Claimed – Chapter 2



Chapter 2

Marcia opened her eyes slowly completely confused . The clinking chains as she rolled over on her side brought the previous day crashing down on her. Pushing herself to a sitting position Marcia looked around the room. Peeking over the end of the bed showed rumpled sheets and blankets but no Richard. A towel on the floor of the bathroom indicated He had been there but was as empty as the bed. Having already tested the restraints the night before with no success Marcia admitted there was nothing for her to do but wait. The minutes passed slowly until Marcia felt she was going to scream in frustration.

Right when she thought she could endure no more of the imprisonment the door opened. Richard walked into the room compleltely ignoring Marcia. She shrank back leaning into the end of the bed, the chains rattling. Richard placed the plate He had brought with Him on the table far out of her reach picking up the phone on the dresser. Dialing a number He shortly started to talk, “Yes, I’ll be ready in a few minutes. They here already? good. I’ll be right there.”

Marcia’s heart raced not knowing if she was envolved in this or not. Placing the phone on the hook Richard turned to here and swiftly unlocked the chains. “You have 15 minutes. Take a shower and do whatever else you need to do. I will come into the bathroom if you are not out in time.” Without a second glance Marcia raced into the bathroom and started the shower. She wasn’t sure what was going on but the relief of using the bathroom finally and taking a longed for shower prevented her from speculating more than slightly surprised when she found a toothbrush for her and some other personal items sitting on the counter. Exiting just under the wire she stood next to the door against the wall being as quiet and still as she could. Richard waved her over without a glance toward her. The chains were replaced and He picked up His jackets as He walked out the door.

Marcia was stunned and still very confused. What on earth was going on here? Sitting on the edge of the bed she noticed the plate He had left behind. It had a nice selection of breakfast food; eggs, toast,bacon, and a pastry. A bottle of water sat next to the plate. He hadn’t foprgotten her after all. She ravenously descended on the food , eatting quickly before He returned and took the plate away. But He didn’t return and Marcia started feeling safer about keeping all the food. Finally cleaning the plate she looked around wondering what to do next. She was unaccustommed to doing nothing. And besides, doing nothing was completely boring. The chain was long enough to give her a limited access to the room. The minutes became hours as she straightened and cleaned what she could. Finally she ran out of things to do and laid down on the blanket falling into a exhausted slumber from tension.

That was how Richard found her when He returned early afternoon with her lunch. He was pleased she had worked to clean His room. It was time to give her a bit more freedom. Silently the lock attaching the chain to the bed was released and He left the room unnoticed, locking the door behind Him. He didn’t want to chance her getting more freedom than He was preparred to give.

The next two days passed much the same way. Marcia had the freedom of the room and Richard ignored her with the exception of making sure she had enough to eat and drink. As the time passed she lost her fear of being attacked and ravaged. Even to the point of gaining a little bit of trust in her new Owner. She stopped jumping every time He entered the room or moved. She still slept on the floor but now on a small matt with plenty of blankets to keep warm. She even had clean clothes left for her daily. What she didn’t have and wanted more than anything was to know what was going to happen to her. Richard seemed to be obilivious to her silent entreaties for information forcing her to finally just come out and ask. “I’ll take care of you , that’s all you need to know” He replied to her soft spoken question.

Richard was satisfied she had finally gotten the courage to speak to Him without being forced to answer a question. It was time to take another step but they could wait til tomorrow. He was impressed by her intelligence and initiative so far. Truthfully He couldn’t understand why she had gone unnoticed. The fact she had been able to achieve invisibility revealed creativity and resourcefulness. To think He hadn’t wanted to make this trip which was now proving far from boring. Grabbing a light jacket He left the room careful to secure the door behind Him.

Marcia was once again alone, more bored than ever. How many times can you straighten the bed? Then she noticed on the desk a book which had not been there before. Walking over to the desk she picked up the book careful not to disturb the papers. It was a classic, Twelfth Night by William Shakespear. With little else to occupy her mind she settled in the chair in the corner and started to read. Hours passed before she realized the sun was nearly setting with no sign of Richard. Turning on the lights as she replaced the book back where she found it just in time before the door opened. Marcia backed against the wall with her hands behind her back guiltily. Richeard smiled knowing she had done exactly as He had hoped, wondering how far she had gotten in the book.

Without looking at her He crossed to the closet moving items back and forth before he found what He was looking for. He turned around and without preamble said “Kneel” Her heart did a flip flop believing He was finally going to show His true nature, trembling she dropped to her knees. His shoes came into her vision of the floor as she watched Him walk behind her. Before she could move away Richard placed a plain leather collar around her neck, the lock clicking loudly close to her ears. Another snap and she felt the familiar tug of the lead. “Time for dinner, come on” Barely having time to stand as He walked away Marcia felt a surge of hope of being able to escape.

He led the way down the hallway to the dining room. She had been through the room on occasions but rarely when others were present, that could have brought her to Someone’s attention which was exactly what she had not wanted. Keeping her head down Marcia tried hard to be inconspicuous. She groaned to herself as they went up to the Master of the house, the Host. Richard head her groan and smiled, she was going to have to meet life on his terms from now on so she might as well get used to it. “How you doing tonight Mark?” He asked.

“Fine, just fine. This her?” He asked as He lifted her chin and then stood back to gaze at her from head to foot. “Nope, I don’t recall her. Well, maybe faintly. She worked hard to keep out of my way. Sure You want to keep her? I could give You something alot better You know, don’t have to settle on her just because You stumbled over her, literally” He said laughing. Richard shook His head, “No, she’ll do just fine.” as He walked to the table and secured the lead next to His seat. “Well I am going to have to find out about her some. I am definately curious how she stayed out of my sight, could only had help from some of the other slaves. Yup, definately need to uncover what is going on here” Mark said as He walked to His chair eyeing Marcia pondering her past. Richard felt Marcia stiffen with the threat of finding out about her. He didn’t know what was going on but He felt sure He could find out all He needed to know without her partners in crime becoming envolved. At least she had loyalty and morals. “It doesn’t matter Mark, she’s mine now and I’m not interested in what she was before. If it’s all the same to you I would prefer not bringing up her past. She needs to focus on her present and future.” He said, placing a hand on marcia’s head as she knelt beside Him, feeling the stress and fear flow out of her body.

Marcia felt a huge wave of relief when Marck dropped the investigation into her past. She couldn’t have been invisable without the help of the other servents. How could she repay their kindness with getting them in trouble? She wasn’t sure why Richard came to her rescue but she was indebted to Him. Maybe He wasn’t so bad after all. Marcia took the first tentative mental step to truely becoming His slave.

The next week passed much the same way. When ever Richard was in the room she was allowed semi freedom to roam in the room he was in. Away from the room she had the lead attached to the ever present leather collar, trailing behind Him. At night she curled up on the matt at the foot of the bed, blankets drawn up to her ears. She was getting used to being near Him, to cleaning the room, not enjoying the invisability she had before. Each day she fell further and further under His spell. Marcia became very accustomed to Richard. They started to talk, more like Richard asking how she felt about things and then proposing a different view or asking her to exapnd on her thoughts. They would spend hours walking the manicured lawns deep in debate. At first Marcia was shy, never wanting to voice her opinion or contradict Him. When this angered Him more than having a different view than His she voiced her opinions and thoughts genuinely.

Chapter 3


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